Preaching Re Imagined Review

First off it is important to thank Doug Pagitt and Zondervan for the free copy of Doug's new book Preaching Re Imagined to review. In the introduction Doug challenged the reader to jump around in the book and read what sparks interest, as difficult as it was I took his advice. I read the book and found it to be a fresh imaginative and sincere engagement of a sticky and often abused office in local congregation. I found his distinction of what Jesus' prophetic function meant and means now very helpful for a society hell bent on pacifying its members. His citation of The Onion's policy of not accepting letters from readers and the similar attitude many "speachers" have is both funny and tragically accurate. Pagitt has the ear of the post modern church if not by his words then by his ability to hear others. A must read voice in the maze of preaching theory.
Stephen Ingram
Good to read your brief comments about Preaching Re-Imagined. I'm 6 months behind you on reading the book and so blogged about it today:
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