
I filled up my car with gas last night. I drive a 2001 Toyota Camry with a V6 engine. The tank holds about 15 or 16 gallons, and I let it get low enough that my gas light came on. I pulled up to the pump knowing full well that gas now costs about $2.60 a gallon right now. But I filled it up and the total came to $42.34. If a tank of gas is now costing me around $40 dollars every time I fill up, gas is now going to cost me between $160-$200 a month. That's over %10 of my monthly paycheck. I believe we have reached the point where I have to consider commute alternatives. With class starting tommorrow, I'm definitely considering buying a bike that I can ride the mile or so from my apartment to McAfee. But would the cost of a decent bike be offset by the savings in gas? I'll have to think about that one. Riding the MARTA bus isn't really an option because with the walk to the stop by my apartment and the walk from the stop by McAfee to the building I might as well just walk the entire way. Is walking an option in this heat with a backpack on? I don't think so. And so my suggestion is that all of us McAfee students who live in Lake Louise actually get serious about carpooling. Anyone interested?
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