Bumper Sticker Theology

This past Sunday I made a renewed effort to make Sr. High Sunday School interesting for the poor souls whose parents had drug them there. So in addition to the sugar infused Krispy Cream doughnuts (maybe Red Bull will be next), we tried something different. We looked at bumper stickers. All kinds- good, bad, funny, cheesy, ugly. They went through about four pages of bumper stickers and put a check by the ones they liked, X’s by the
ones they hated, and question marks by the ones they weren’t sure about. The ones shown here were popular favorites. But more often than not, we see slogans or phrases we hate. When we see a bumper sticker that infuriates us, I think that tells us something important about ourselves and our beliefs. I am just amazed (and scared) at people who can summarize their beliefs in a bumper sticker!

I love bumber stickers and have been putting them on my cars since I got my first at 16! When Trinity and I met we both had cars with lots of stickers on the back and that's how we knew that we were predestined to be together - we were even driving around spreading some of the same profound messages with the world. One of the saddest days of my life was when my '77 Malibu got rear-ended and I had to replace the bumber that had years of my bumber sticker collection plastered on it. Don't be so hard on us Brad - some of us get our stickers from the hippie bong store, so at least we're supporting a good cause. And the theology's better than from the Christian book store too!
Tim I thought you'd like to know that I recently gave in to the desire to express myself through the medium of bumper stickers...I got the "coexist" sticker. Now I'm just hoping someone doesn't shoot my car or run me off the road. Because then I'd have to go jihad on their ass.
Actually, one of the best, and unexpected, outcomes of having stickers like that is they end up keeping me accountable. We have a couple different "peace" message stickers now, and whenever I want to flip somebody off I stop and remind myself that I need to represent the hippie-Christian-tree huggers well so I resist. Sometimes I even flash them the peace sign instead, which in the end pisses them off more than the bird anyway! Who would have known a bumber sticker could have been so good for my blood pressure?
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