Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Recess, Siesta's, and Show & Tell

I often feel that we, at work or school, take ourselves entirely too seriously. These thoughts came to me during this past Monday's staff meeting. I am all for getting together to work together as a team. But I hate it when the church feels corporate. We are about relationships, not bottom lines.
So here's a proposal: let's reinstitute recess, siesta's (nap time), and/or show and tell for us as adults at work/college/grad school. Wouldn't you feel a bit more motivated to get some work done in the afternoon if you weren't so tired, if you could just take a short siesta? Might we view our co-workers a bit different if we saw a bit of their personal lives via show and tell? Each Tuesday a group of high-schoolers and I head to the downtown YWCA to tutor and play with the children in the family violence shelter. After reading a few books together (i.e.Where the Wild Things Are), the kids had spring fever so we went outside. This was, by far, the best part of my week: we had numerous foot races, tricycle races, and played hide-and-go-seek. We, as "adults," desperately need to relearn how to play.


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