Dervishes Mad with Secret Therapeutic Love

This is word for word a quote I copied from one of my favorite blogs "Blog Of a Greatful Bear", it was too good just to put a link to the site, merton was the man.
“We are not persuaders. We are the children of the Unknown. We are the ministers of silence that is needed to cure all victims of absurdity who lie dying of a contrived joy. Let us then recognize ourselves for who we are: dervishes mad with secret therapeutic love which cannot be bought or sold, and which the politician fears more than violent revolution, for violence changes nothing. But love changes everything.”
~ from Thomas Merton’s “Message to Poets”
One of your favorite blogs? I'm honored. I'm fascinated by the works of Brian McLaren and others in the Emergent movement, so it was truly an honor to find a link to my blog here. I've posted a link to POMOnks at my Blog of the Grateful Bear, in the left margin under "Cyberfriends in the Blogosphere."
blessings & bearhugs ~
Darrell (Grateful Bear)
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