No Words

Words are slow in coming today. In the space of 24 hours I learned of the death of Kyle Lake and the birth of Stephen and Mary Liz's little girl, Mary Claire. Emotions are mixed to say the least. Most of you know I attended UBC for most of my six years in Waco. Kyle was one of the most authentic people I've ever met, in that I saw no disconnect between who he was as pastor and who he was as a person. He and I shared many conversations both profound and pointless. I'm sure that at some point I'll be able to think of Kyle be thankful for all of God's grace he brought to my life. But right now the pain of losing a mentor is most on my mind. Please hold Kyle's wife Jenn and their children Avery, Sutton, and Jude in your prayers. The entire UBC community needs prayer as well. Thank you for all of your calls of concern today.
Congrats again to Stephen and Mary Liz.
Hey stranger,
We missed you this week. It was great having the old Lunch Bunch back, but definitely was not the same without you. We're thinking about you and missing you greatly. But we're glad to hear that you're doing well and are happy.
Love, Love and more Love,
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