Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Potentiality is the Key

Here is a small response to a question posed on one of my Seminary's discussion blogs. It asks of Abortion, who's choice is it? The reason I post this is not as a political statement, its just the first time I have ever articulated this in written form and I figured it would probably get some discussion. I must add the disclaimer that I am expecting my little girl to arrive any day now and am totally biased because fo that fact, but remember bias does not presuppose incorrectness.

I must disagree with abortion, Yes the parents are the one who have to live with the baby after it is born. Yes it is the woman's body, and no I do not feel that the church should try to legislate morality. There is however a problem, the problem is constitutional not religious. The constitution was set up to protect and give a voice to minorities and those without a voice. The fetus, is this unheard minority. A voice should be provided and rights should be given. The counter argument is probably two fold: 1. What about Terri Schiavo and 2. As similar argument, the child is not cognitive therefore it is not human. I believe the answer lies in the realm of potentiality. The child has potential, good potential to the point of probability, to come into personhood. Terri Schiavo lack most any potential let alone probability to return to a state of Personhood, it has been lost. If one is going to make the statement that potentiality of personhood does not make one a person then we should allow anyone who kills their child before the age of Four years amnesty. Scientific studies shows a child does not gain the capabilities of reflection and move beyond behavioral responses until that age. I do not think you will find many who would agree to four year old abortions, they and the four year old are in the same scientific boat at that time.
The church has a responsibility, it can never stand with a picket unless it is willing to raise an unwanted child. Unless the church is ready to take in unwanted children and raise them in the halls of the church then it is talking out of two sides of its mouth. It was very clear at the founding of the NT church one of the main tenants was to take care of the widows and the orphans. We have failed and are failing miserably as a reconciler of this world.
Stephen Ingram


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