Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Culture of Dilution

I was having lunch with some friends Monday and the subject of Political Correctness came up. I had already been having a really rotten day so I thought I would jump on it like a fat kid in a candy store (this is not an expression I use regularly or even at all but I thought it appropriate for my PC Blog Post). I exclaimed how sick I am with the entire idea of political correctness. I believe there has been a blurring of the lines between being Not being PC and being racist. Our culture has diluted our differences to a sterile categorization that does not describe, differentiate or exhibit the uniqueness within humanity. I find it interesting that if I call someone who is from Mexico a Mexican I am racist but if I DO NOT call some one who is of a darker color skin who was born in America an African American I am also being racist or not Politically Correct. I really find the whole paradigm appalling and think one day our great great grand kids will look at our solutions for equality problems like political correctness and comment how greatly we missed the mark. To ignore our uniqueness is to default much of our worth.


At 1:21 AM, Blogger tonymyles said...

PC philosophy is still around but I think we're less edgy about it. Kind of like we're (almost) post-PC in our culture. Maybe we got so tired of biting our tongue that we've settled for swallowing a bit of blood in order to speak our minds.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger Mary Liz Ingram said...

Hey Tony,

I appreciate your thoughts, so as the church should we be advocates of a PC world and call that our mission of justice, because I am afraid that is what alot of folks do. I just wonder if the PC movement acutally oppresses a real justice movement in the church because it acts as distracting sort of strawman. Any more thoughts?


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