Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Today my ninth graders and I had our second confirmation class. It was a good class full of laughter, thought and questions. I found myself experiencing something that I have not felt in a long time. We started off our Theology section of Confirmation discussingn interpretation, inspiration along with metaphorical and literal interpretations. Most of my kids (the ones who have grown up in our church)had no problem grasping the concepts of truth over fact. A couple of my new kids really had and are having a tough time thinking of the Bible as truth but not always having to be factual. The feeling which I have not felt in a while is a real fear over their fear of not being able to read the Bible and "believe" it. I guess it is strange to me because it has been a long time since I have "destroyed any foundations" I use this term loosely because of the care I use now anytime a foundation could be shaken. I have no doubt that they will understand better these concepts after next week,but I still cannot shake how nervous it made me for them not to have some resolve on the matter when they left the class today. I just wonder if I have given up my radical revolutionary ways, or as Pink Floyd says it best "Have you traded a walk on role in a war for a lead role in a cage?"


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