Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Don't call it a sabbath, I've just been lazy

It has been seventeen days since my last post. I'd like to apologize to Paul, Patrick and Tim (our readers) for my laziness. I have had much to do, but that's no excuse. Since my last post I've gone on a Labor Day Retreat with my church, attended Dr. Claypool's memorial service at Second Ponce, our church has changed interim pastors, I've started teaching Senior High Sunday school, Jana and I have put together an armoire(sp?) and a love seat for our living room... there's much I could blog about.

I think mostly I've been thinking about the youth and parents of my church. Specifically I'm trying to figure out what role they should play in shaping the overall vision and goals of my EPC's youth ministry. I'm often told by the parents to "ask the kids what the want," and the only response I get is "We want time to hang out." But I'm not just a baby sitter, and I know the parents want me to more, and there is the simple fact that we are a church and not a social club. The kids complain about everything we do, so I don't know when to take their feedback seriously. I guess this is just me wishing that the kids and the parents would trust me more that I know what I'm doing and that I do hear their concerns but I have good reasons for some of the choices I've made. I think every youth minister probably feels this way.

BTW, check out the RLP's latest post. Follow the link on the right. "You just had to be there," is often the best way I can think of to explain my faith in God.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Mary Liz Ingram said...

Adam, it is nice to have you back from your pagan rest orgy.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Tim said...

It sounds like your youth just need some good ol' fasioned prophetic preaching brother. You need to tell them that church is not about fun, but its about evangelism (ie. saving people from HELL!). You need to have an alter call, do some dunkin' and then get them to memorize the Roman Road and bring their friends. If you follow this simple Bible-based formula, then your youth group will be growing so fast you'll have to find yourself an Assistent Youth Minister! I'll be prayin' for ya!


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