Last week I went to view the new film, The DaVinci Code. Several years ago when this book came out, I read it in a span of three days...it was a great intellectual thriller. I hate to say it, but this intellectual thriller disappoints on screen. It may seem nitpicky, but they missed small details, that made a big difference. For instance, Langdon, played by Tom Hanks, had long greasy hair and wore a blue/black suit jacket the whole time. A detail of the book that painted a good picture of Langdon to me was the fact that he was this semi-hip Harvard professor who always wore a Harris-Tweed blazer. Beyond that, Sir Teabing's obsession with a particular "the grail is really Mary Magdalene" theory seemed a bit staged and overenthusiastic. I think this movie will get people to ask important questions about the nature of Jesus and the importance of the sacred feminine. I did enjoy the movie, but it falls far short of the book.
Hey Brad, maybe I'm wrong but I wonder if your dissapointment has more to do with who you are three years later than it does with overated actors and overated directors effectiveness at bringing an overated book to the big screen. I read the book recently and thought it was quite mediocre, overated, and poorly researched. I saw the movie this week b/c honestly I thought that it might make a better movie than novel. Well, as you have said, I was very wrong on that!
Hey Tim,
I agree that both the book and the movie have been overated. I wasn't impressed so much with the quality of the research & writing as much as I simply enjoyed this book being a page turner. In a world where many unworthy books and ideas seem to catch fire in popular culture (think "Left Behind") I was happy to have a book spark some conversation about who Jesus might have actually been as a person. But I agree, a lot of the research about historical Christianity is a bit twisted. The Christian Century has a great article on the popularity of the Da Vinci code and Dan Brown's "truthiness." It can be found at http://www.christiancentury.org/article.lasso?id=2058
Thanks for the comment!
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