This Blog has, indeed, been quiet recently. I suppose a lot of that is due to the fact that it is summer, and a lot of us are out of pocket a good bit. I thought I might write a few thoughts about the Fourth of July...
This was the first Fourth of July that the space shuttle has launched. It is amazing to me that even though we first put a man on the moon forty-something years ago, we still find space travel exciting and dangerous. I'm sure I was not the only one sitting on the edge of my seat as the shuttle left this world.
Shortly after the shuttle launch, across the radio came the news that North Korea had tested numerous missiles. I have serious doubts as to the credibility the U.S. has in spreading the hope of nonproliferation when we, ourselves, have done nothing to dispose of our weapons of mass destruction. But I have decided to be an optimist this Fourth. I have decided that I am going to celebrate the fact that I live in a country where I can disagree passionately with presidential administrations, and that is, in fact, a demonstration of my patriotism. Peace is indeed patriotic, and dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
Which brings me back to our astronauts. What do they see when they look at our home planet. Certainly they do not see the lines on our maps which divide North Korea from South. Certainly they do not see the words "Japan" or "United States." No, they must see their home planet where we all must live. The challenge is, can we see that from down here?