Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Talents vs. Commodities

Rachelle Mee Chapman spoke on Neomonasticism at this year's Emergent Convention. I skipped the session(I think I was sleeping) but I've been listening to it on my drives to the office for the last few days. Rachelle came out of a Vineyard Church which is a very successful and well meaning consortium of churches. She was on staff as an up and coming leader at one particular church. She recounts sitting in staff meeting and treating new members to the church as commodities. For example, a new member who could play the guitar was immediately directed to the worship committee. A new member who worked at a children's hospital was immediate viewed as an asset to the nursery department. I confess that I often look at the membership of my church in much the same way. Right now I'm looking for Sunday School teachers for next year. I know this will involve begging at some point. But what Rachelle mentions and what I'm worried about is trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I think this is how we burn well-meaning people out and they leave church. We take them and make them feed the machine of programs rather than helping discover their God-given passions. Rachelle states that she asks people where they want to shine and seeks to help them do that. This seems much more in line with the mission of God.

Lord, help me find those in my congregation who want to work with our youth in the Sunday School hour. And help me to inspire and nuture the God-given passions in my youth and in the rest of Emory Church.



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