Did you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Trinity Questions

I have changed the title of the orginal post so as not to offend or discredit anyone who holds the doctrine of the trinity dear. I am sorry for the arrogance of "Trinity Sminity" it was a funny way, to me, to show my frustration with the doctrine in my mind. I know this is a discussion that has and will be going on for a long time. I still cannot get past wanting to at least look for another way of talking about God the creator and the gang. I find some happiness in the Eastern Orthodox idea of an eternal dance, but it still does not jive completly with me. I've heard rumor that Tony Jones and Doug Pagitt have beat this over the head and have maybe made some progress, what that progress is I have not clue. So does anyone have another idea, keep or loose the established vocabluary, I just want a way to talk about God and the gang without having to have my tongue in my cheek. Mist, water and Ice are not acceptable answers, ha ha.


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