Old Friends

In the past week I have had the privlidge of reconnecting with some old friends from High School. These guys were two of my best friends from Elemetary school all the way through graduation. We lost touch after our freshman years of college and through a fluke reconnected this week. There is something humbling about sitting with someone you have not seen in 5 years and talking with each other like we had just left Mrs. Wilsons Biology class. I also found it somewhat grounding discussing my political, social and theological views. I did not and would not compromise my ideologies but you cannot put nearly as many spins and as much rhetoric behind your arguments. I do not know why this is, I guess you feel you have more to loose than when you talk to a total stranger. I guess there are more connections there than alot of people I interact with now. One of the guy's dad used to be my baseball coach, its tough to talk a big shit when you played little league together. Most of all I found it comforting that after so long friends can still laugh at the same old jokes, talk about new ventures and most of all just enjoy a few familiar moments between, now, two not so familiar lives. Good Friends.
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