Finally a Break
It's nice these days to open my calendar's to-do list and see nothing school related in it. I finished my last final Monday morning and now have two weeks to relax before taking Hebrew reading in January. Most of you know Jana and I spent the weekend in Florida with my parents. We hadn't seen them since the wedding, so it was fun to go down for their Christmas party, relax, eat at the newest of the family restaurants and spend time with them. We saw my brother Grant and his wife Laurie, as well as our niece Emma. She's 13 months old now and walking. Most importantly, we came back with a dog. His name is Cassius. He's a 3 year old pug. He used to belong to Grant and Laurie, but with one child and another on the way, they felt like he needed a home where he'd get more attention. They knew Jana and I had been thinking about getting a dog anyway, so they offered us Cassius. We took him and he's already taking over the apartment. In Jana's eyes it makes us a family now so she's very happy. Even I have to admit he's a nice addition to the apartment. I'm looking forward to spending the next two weeks reading, playing with the dog, and spending time with the wife. It's good to be done for awhile.

Congrats on the newest member of your "phamily!" He looks just like you. :) Being a pet parents is a highly rewarding experience- Welcome to the club! (If you haven't already, check out our darling Stella on myspace... and shame on you for not admiring her picture sooner!).
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